Ultimi nodi FM con modalità Ultimo FM DJ
Esplora la tua libreria e ottieni gli ultimi elenchi di brani e artisti FM dalla tua libreria personale.
Translated automatically (see original)Last FM nodes with Last FM DJ mode
Explore your library and get last fm track lists and artists from out of your own library.
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Inviato da Teknojnky
Aggiornato 19/04/2020
Cronologia delle versioni / Dettagli
- Versione:
- 1.2.2020.04.19.1000
- Aggiornato:
- 19/04/2020
- Size:
- 23.97 KB
- Funziona con:
- Media Monkey 3 - 4
- Modifiche:
Recent Updates:
* fixed error 424 during similar track search
* not sure what I screwed up with fixurl, but I added some hardcoded codes to help bjork etc
* added option for last.fm key, see Tools > options > library > last.fm node
* you must enter a key, either your own or a publicly available one (see forum) or https://www.last.fm/api/account/create'
* updated api urls and changed to HTTPS'
* added some more logging, also added logging for tracks not found in library
potentially useful to see what artists/tracks you might be interested in'
that you don't already have'
* removed group and location nodes'
* added global top tracks under 'users' node'
* * added user recently played tracks under a favorite user node